South Korea

About South Korea

Recruitment Numbers: 6,000 Total(4,000 Cases, 2,000 Controls)

Dr. Heon-Jeong Lee and Dr. Ji Hyun Baek will be the lead for Korea recruitment. Dr. Lee is the Professor of Psychiatry at Korea University College of Medicine. He is a clinical psychiatrist with particular expertise in bipolar disorders, mood disorders of early adulthood, chronobiology and sleep medicine. Dr. Lee has steadily devoted his effort to the genetic research on various phenotypes of mental illnesses over the two decades. Dr. Ji Hyun Baek is the Assistant Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Samsung medical center. Her research interests are concentrated on finding genetic factors associated with bipolar disorders. Dr. Lee and Dr. Baek together will lead a total of 12 hospitals across Korea for participants recruitment. 

S.N. Name of the Sites
1 Korea University Hospitals
2 Seoul National University Hospital
3 Budang Seoul National University Hospital
4 Samsung Seoul Hospital
5 Severance Hospital
6 Kyungbul National University Hospital
7 Busan National University Hospital
8 Chunnam National University Hospital
9 National Center of Mental Health
10 Kyungsang University Hospital
11 Eulji Hosptal
12 Ilsan Paik Hospital

South Korea Team

June 2023 Korea Site Visit Photos